CIRCLE POLICY BRIEF N. 3 “Solidarity between generations in extended families: a “coping strategy” against inadequate social protection” CIRCLE WORKING PAPER N. 5 “Solidarity between generations in extended families. Direction, size and intensity” CIRCLE WORKING PAPER N. 4 “Size and distributional pattern of pension-related tax expenditures in European countries” CIRCLE POLICY BRIEF N. 2: “Measuring the incidence, intensity and inequality of income losses (or gains) by age groups” CIRCLE WORKING PAPER N. 3 “A simple subgroup decomposable measure of downward (and upward) income mobility” CIRCLE WORKING PAPER N. 2 “The uneven impact of women’s retirement on their daughters’ employment” CIRCLE WORKING PAPER N. 1 “How long is too long? Long-term effects of maternity-related job interruptions on mothers’ income in 10 European countries” CIRCLE POLICY BRIEF N. 1: “Ensuring Adequate Economic Support to Older Mothers”